Darlington - Cricket Ground
Feetham's Ground : DL1 5JD
Darlington - Cricket Ground : Map credit National Library of Scotland Darlington Cricket Club ground was sometimes called Feethams, an old area of Darlington. Cricket was played there from around 1860 and the Cricket Club held an annual sports meeting from 1868 and bicycle races were included from 1876 on a track ‘nearly a quarter of a mile in circumference. The meetings took place over two days.

The first bicycle racing at the ground was at the cricket club annual sports on May 13th 1876. The following year, at the May 25th 1877 sports, there was a bicycle race of ‘about 3 miles' for locals and twelve riders competed. Crowds at the annual sports were around 4,000.

Darlington Amateur Bicycle Club held their first sports on August 6th 1881, which included a ten miles professional handicap race and a half mile ‘boneshaker handicap'.

The cricket club annual athletic sports continued through the 1880's

Darlington Bicycle Club and Darlington Wednesday Cycling Club held joint meetings at the track, but their event on August 24th 1895, which was to raise money for a new track, suffered with bad weather and resulted in a loss of £30.

The cricket club 47th annual sports were held on June 1914 and included a half mile bicycle handicap race. After the First World War, it was a much quieter time on the track. Darlington Wednesday held their 25th annual sports on July 5th 1922.

At the combined Wednesday and Darlington meeting on June 20th 1934, the English champion Dennis Horn won the 5 miles open scratch race from his brother Percy. Dennis Horn also won the 1,000 yards invitation scratch race. This was probably the last bicycle race at the ground.

Darlington Cricket Club still play at the ground.

Refs     : [p]
Maps    : National Library of Scotland